Top 5 IoT Applications in 2023


Now a day’s Internet of Things is one of the booming technologies IoT applications are used for smart cities, kitchen appliances, cars, thermostats, baby monitors, etc these types of applications are only changing the digital world.

IoT (INTERNET OF THINGS) is a network of physical objects containing peripherals and sensors combined with embedded devices connecting with software and transferring the data to other receiver devices through the Internet. It is very useful for real-time applications.

Usage of IoT

Different types of organizations used iot applications for their purpose below is some of the most common ones

  • Consumer IoT is used for home appliances, voice assistance, and light fixtures for smart homes. 

  • Commercial IoT is the smart pacemakers and monitoring systems for hospitality 

  • Military (IoMT) here is used for surveillance robots, human-wearable  biometrics 

  • The Industrial (IIOT) is used for industrial application manufacturing companies or digital control systems to check the

  • Infrastructure IoT used in smart cities and infrastructure management systems

Benefits of IOT

Useful for organizations to simplify the daily task and benefits/uses of IoT solutions across industries. Reduced costs, operational efficiency easy user handling, Speed, and monitoring real-time aspect, send-customer experience.

Top 5 IOT 

1. Google Home Voice Controller

google voice controller is a popular IoT device we ask for time or songs, alarms, lights, thermostats, volume control, and switch controls, and information its replays that information through voice controllers.

2. Amazon Echo Plus Voice Controller

Amazon Echo Plus voice controller is a reliable IoT device on the market. It replays through the voice services like answering calls, alarms, the weather checking.

3. August Doorbell Cam

August doorbell cam is answered your door from any remote location. Its captures the movements whose front of your door.

4. August Smart Lock

August Smart Lock is used for security that helps users to manage their doors from any remote location. It helps keep security in your home.

5. Foobot

Footbot is an IOT device is measure pollution in our organization. It helps to improve the air quality in houses, cafes, and workplaces.  


As per research, IOT is a growthable technology, people can use this will save money and time. Most of the companies work on these projects. Based on the research, Clarisco Solutions is one of the leading IoT development company, and they give the best product and quality.

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